This activity is themed Strengthening the Role of Poltekpar Makassar dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Nasional Melalui Penelitian Terapan. Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar Bapak Dr. H. Muhammad Yahya., M.Pd menyampaikan, acara seminar hasil penelitian individu.

The seminar was attended by 25 research lecturers from 25 individual research titles, research is an obligation of lecturers as one of the demands for national accreditation. "The seminar on the results of this individual research presented 3 (three) resource persons namely Mr. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, Dr. Zainuddin Rahman, SE., M.Sc, and Mr. Dr. Andi Ibrahim, S.Ag, SS., M.Pd, "he explained.

Director of Tourism Polytechnic Makassar, Drs. Muhammad Arifin., M.Pd mengatakan, Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar this year carrying out 2 research institutions ,. 8 research groups with the theme of 8 study programs and 25 independent research titles that are expected to all lecturers and teaching staff take part in studies in their respective fields.

"The results of this study are expected to be able to contribute, especially in developing lecturers for achieving the target of higher education accreditation in 2020," he said.

"With a minimum of getting superior accreditation and this activity is expected to contribute to the development of tourism in South Sulawesi," he concluded.

This activity was attended by 150 participants including stakeholders in the tourism sector, the tourism office. Tourism universities, GM hotels, travel representatives, and event organizers throughout Makassar, as well as lecturers and students of the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic.